Dear New Lifetime Generational Wealth Strategies Subscriber,

Congratulations on becoming a Lifetime Generational Wealth Strategies subscriber.

In a few minutes, you’ll receive an email confirming receipt of your payment and detailing the benefits of your new subscription.

I hope you enjoy your subscription to Generational Wealth Strategies. Of course, if you have any questions regarding your membership, please contact our VIP customer service line at 717-207-9008.

But why not build on that momentum by taking a look at the perfect addition to Generational Wealth Strategies?

It’s retirement expert Bob Carlson’s new webinar series called: Retirement Watch Spotlight Series.

Each month, he discusses the most important retirement topic of the day, and gives you all the actionable takeaways you need to take advantage.

Whether it’s making sure you’re out in front of big directional swings in the market… or positioning your wealth to stay ahead of fast-changing tax laws… or even locking down your estate to make sure your heirs get everything they deserve…

Each month you’ll come away knowing exactly what to do to make the most of your retirement.

Here’s what you’ll take away from
Bob Carlson’s Spotlight Series:

  • Tax law changes and exactly how it will affect you, including IRA and estate law changes, individual deductions, and more. You’ll walk away prepared.
  • The two most important indicators I use to tell the difference between a true bear market and a temporary hiccup (both are powerful early-warning indicators of recessions).
  • My recommended portfolio mix for bear protection, including the only 4 places to have your money invested to duck its bite.
  • The 5 steps every investor should take now to bear-proof your estate, your portfolio, and your financial future BEFORE the downturn.

As you can see, there’s a lot to cover. The world of retirement planning is full of constantly changing information, which is why Bob developed the Retirement Watch Spotlight Series in the first place.

And, frankly, you can’t put a price on good retirement advice. Bottom line: The faster you join Retirement Watch Spotlight Series, the faster you can reap the money-saving (and money-making) benefits.

That’s why, as a new Generational Wealth Strategies member, I’d like to offer you a chance to be among the first to have access to this new series of webinars.

Normally, for an hour of recommendations and insights from an expert with this type of experience, you’d pay through the nose.

But, as a way of thanking you for placing your trust in Generational Wealth Strategies, I want to offer you a full 6 months of access to the Retirement Watch Spotlight Series (including the archive of all past webinars) for just $59.

Yes, you read that correctly… only $59 for 6 months of additional, in-depth retirement planning education and recommendations from a planner with over two decades of experience.

And after this 6-month term, you’ll be placed in our convenient automatic renewal program to ensure uninterrupted access to everything I offer in this exciting service…

That includes a new, in-depth webinar every month and 24/7 access to our website, which contains an archive of every past webinar and special report I publish.

By combining the valuable information in Generational Wealth Strategies, you have the perfect one-two punch for whatever the market will throw at you.

To get started with immediate access to Bob’s Spotlight Series, simply click the button below right now.

Kind regards,

Roger Michalski
Publisher, Generational Wealth Strategies

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